‘50s Chevy Truck Owners Make Yearly Pilgrimage from Vegas to Southern California

Every year sometime around Father’s Day, CPP is visited by a group of road-tripping ‘50s Chevy truck owners. The club call themselves Classic Family Ties because their shared passion for classic trucks bring them together like family.
From their home in Las Vegas, Nevada, the group makes an annual trip to Southern California. Among other things, it’s an excuse to spend time together while putting some miles on their trucks. It gives them the chance to work out the kinks from recent upgrades or modifications and, of course, put the pedal down on long stretches of open road.
Some people are proud to kill two birds with one stone, but these guys don’t stop at two. They also use the road trip to swing by some of their favorite classic truck shops in the So Cal area. CPP is lucky enough to be included on their list. Since a project truck is never truly finished, there’s always a laundry list of parts needed to keep the hobby alive. And, in the age of online shopping, it can be a breath of fresh air to visit a store and order parts in person. (This also happens to be why CPP put’s so much effort into their 3,000sq-ft state-of-the-art showroom!)

After talking with some of the club members, we found out this marks the 22nd year in a row they’ve been making this trip. It’s inspiring to us here at CPP to know we have customer’s as loyal as these guys. But we also hope they can inspire you to find an excuse to take your pride and joy for a drive. Call up some friends, fire up your classic car or truck and hit the road. Whether you make it an excuse to come visit CPP, like Classic Family Ties, or just cruise your favorite back roads, it’s all about the people and the journey.
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