So, you’re doing an LS swap in your classic Chevy car or truck and you’re down to the final few items on the checklist. One of those final “to-dos” is going to be installing a throttle pedal. Seems easy enough, right? Well, anyone who’s dealt with it before knows it’s not always as simple of an install as it sounds but that’s where CPP’s Drive by Wire Throttle Pedal Bracket for LS Swaps comes in.
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You could spend hours cutting, welding, bending, and drilling then making a few trips back and forth to the hardware store to make your own bracket. You could also just call up CPP and get everything you need then spend 20 minutes to bolt in your drive by wire throttle pedal. The choice is yours!

CPP offers complete, vehicle-specific kits that include the GM drive by wire throttle pedal assembly (#25835421) with the bracket and hardware. Or, if you already have the pedal assembly, you can pick up just the bracket and hardware needed to install it. (Check out all the applications here)
If you happen to be swapping an LS into a 1964 through 1967 Chevelle, you’re in luck. Below you’ll find detailed instructions with photos from when we installed the bracket into our 1967 Chevelle. If you’ve got another vehicle, these instructions should at least get you going in the right direction.
Pedal Bracket for LS Swaps Installation Instructions
As mentioned above, these instructions are specifically for ’64-’67 Chevelles. The bracket and hardware only is part number CPP12157 while the whole kit including GM pedal assembly is part number 6467ETPBK.

After removing your old throttle pedal assembly, begin installation by attaching the top and bottom of the throttle pedal to the bracket. Use the two bolts with lock nuts and a washer on either side.

Install the supplied studded firewall plate from the engine bay into the factory holes. A piece of painter’s tape may be used to temporarily hold the plate in place before attaching the bracket.

This photo shows both the plate on the firewall from the engine bay and the plate on the firewall from the passenger compartment.

Install the bracket with the throttle pedal using the supplied nuts, lock washers, and washers. Leave slightly loose.

Adjust the throttle pedal and bracket into the desired orientation and complete the installation by torqueing the nuts on the firewall to spec.