This past weekend was the Quarantine Cruise One Year Celebration, and what a celebration it was! Both the Huntington Central Park Sports Complex and Old World Village in Huntington Beach, CA opened their doors to accommodate hundreds (if not thousands) of classic cars and trucks to commemorate one whole year of Quarantine Cruises.
To help add to the celebrations, we brought out our 1967 Chevelle and displayed it on the streets of Old World Village along with other high-dollar builds. A dozen hot rods and muscle cars lining the European-inspired city streets was certainly a sight to behold.

If you want to see and read more about the Quarantine Cruise from our perspective, you can check out any number of our event coverage articles here. For this one though, we’ll let the guys who started it all tell the story from their perspective (posted to their Instagram account, @qruisinpch):
“It was an idea born in the midst of the pandemic. @week2wickedjason called it Quarantine Cruising. Let’s get out of the house and on the road and together we’ll enjoy this slice of normalcy together. And we did. And it grew.
Here we are a year later, 14 cruises later and once again we all came together. This time to celebrate. Together we celebrated our community, this automotive culture we all love and the sharing of the experience.
Together we have given back to the community and each other and made a difference to the businesses in the community during challenging times. We’ve all been given something special and have had a chance to give something back.
Today we celebrated one year together. Thank you to the city of Huntington Beach for opening your arms to us. Thank you to Cyndie at @biergartenhb and the entire Old Word Community for welcoming us. Thank you to the @newlandcenterhb and @regencycenters for the opportunity to visit over the last year. Thank you to @socoandtheocmix for our partnership. @thedavecastle you’re awesome.
And MOST of all. Thank you to everyone who has a part of sharing this experience with us.
Thank you for celebrating with us. We’ll see you soon.
@week2wickedjason, @hektattoo, @ken, @keystoneautomotiveoperations”

For a little visual taste of the Quarantine Cruise One Year Celebration, check out the photos below. Then make sure to give us a follow on our Facebook and Instagram accounts, @classicperform, for more to come!